This site is for all those people who feed birds in the garden and have problems with squirrels stealing all the food. If you are one of these people it is time to learn more about squirrel proof bird feeders. The topics here include:
1. Why do I need Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders?
2. Alternatives to Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
3. Types of Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Why do I need Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders?

Squirrels are a widespread, adaptable and extremely resourceful group of mammals that are found on the continents of Europe, North America, South America and Asia. Squirrels feed on the fruits, nuts and seeds of a wide range of plants making bird tables and hanging bird feeders highly attractive sources of food to squirrels living in the vicinity of humans. In fact it is only by an arbitrary selection process by humans that has made the birds the invited guests and the squirrels the gatecrashers of the party; these abundant sources of food could quite as easily be "squirrel tables" and "squirrel seed feeders", and that is exactly how the squirrels see it.

Unfortunately, it often proves that the squirrels are unable to dine politely alongside their avian friends and the result is that the birds are totally ousted and forced to watch from the sidelines whilst the squirrels gorge themselves on the banquet. As a result, bird feeding humans have often resorted to a variety of measures in an attempt to deter the invading squirrels - all too often these measures are in vain and the result is a healthy industry in squirrel proof bird feeders.

Such is the intelligence and persistence of squirrels when raiding bird feeding stations that it stretches human intelligence when designing squirrel proof bird feeders. These squirrel proof bird feeders in turn present new challenges to the squirrels, requiring ever-increasing levels of intelligence to bypass or destroy. However, there are squirrel proof bird feeders now on the market that do actually prevent squirrels from stealing the bird's food.

There are many alternatives to buying squirrel proof bird feeders - Alternatives to Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders - but eventually the squirrels' cunning and intelligence will find a way around virtually anything that can be devised. Take a look at this video clip and you will see what amazing feats the squirrels will perform to raid the bird table.

As this video clip shows, those who like to feed birds can either have a lot of fun inventing squirrel assault courses or buy some squirrel proof bird feeders. In fact doing both could be quite rewarding.

It should be added that whilst I am a bird lover I have nothing against squirrels, in fact I enjoy watching them as much as the birds, it is just that at the bird table they seem to take more than their fare share whilst the birds struggle to get more than a few seconds at the food.

There are a number of designs that are used in the manufacture of squirrel proof bird feeders: Types of Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders.

Alternatives to Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Before buying any Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders many people will employ a number of preventative measures to deter the squirrels. I will list many of these here, but eventually the squirrels are likely to work out a way around them. If you haven't already done so, view this video clip to see what amazing feats squirrels can perform to steal the bird food: Why do I need a Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?

It should also be stressed that these preventative measures are all designed to cause little or no harm to the squirrels.

1. The Greasy Pole: This speaks for itself really. Put your bird table at the top of a smooth-sided pole and coat it with a slippery substance. This will work for a short time but eventually the grease will rub off and the squirrels will be feasting on bird seed.

2. Place the Bird Table away from Jump-off Points: If you have a really big garden then this may work for you. Put your bird table on top of a pole and place it away from any trees, fences, posts etc that the squirrels can use to jump onto it from. This will also work best if there is a large expanse of open ground between the base of the pole and any surrounding undergrowth. In reality this method will not work as, short of a minefield, the squirrels will overcome their fear of the open ground and just climb up the pole.

3. The Baffle: Domes and cones of varying descriptions are often used

Types of Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders

Choosing Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders is a process to be considered carefully as they come in many shapes and sizes; they also very in their effectiveness!

1. The Cage
There are many variations on this theme, but basically it consists of a traditional seed feeder enclosed by a metal cage. The bars of the cage are too close together to allow the AVERAGE squirrel through; iy also has the effect of stopping
larger birds from feeding. This is a pretty effective model but squirrels have been known to just smash the whole thing down from its hanging place as collect the feed as the lid comes flying off on impact with the ground.

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders